MY avatar

This is my brother miles. He is soposed to be beast from x men. He is on the moon and he is full because he was eating cheese. He is sort of scary. He is starting to creep me out. That is all about my avatar brother.

Scarecrow Haunted

Part 1 The Haunted Scarecrow

‘’My name is Caleb. I have 4 sisters,Bekah, Makayla, Danielle and Lizzy. I have 1 brother Steven’’. They live in the forest because they are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I was riding my horse and my horse fell into  my scarecrow and I walked away. So Danielle walked up and said ‘’ Are you okay’’ He wasn’t because he broke his leg. So Danielle took the horse to the hospital and everybody came over to see if the horse was okay. But I said ‘ What ever I want a scarecrow not a horse’’ But I kept the horse. I fell into the scarecrow  and saw that he was haunted because he healed the horse. Then I…


Part 2 The Haunted Scarecrow

Then I turned into a haunted human. When I was coming into the house  and the horse  was running away from me. But the scarecrow grabbed him to tell him that he needs to slow down or less he will brake his leg again and he didn’t want that to happen. So he stopped So i was coming in for dinner and I possesed my sisters. So they became haunted to. So they took over the world. That is the end of scarecrow haunted and Caleb.

What jerk and cool means

Jerk is now good and cool is now bad. Jerk stands for Juioner Educated Rich Kid and cool stands for ( do not want to tell you). Jerk is supposed to be good unless you are a nerd you like to be SK that stands for Smart Kid. But nerds don’t like being called kids they like being called young adults because they don’t have the same personality. Nerds just want to act like adults so they can fit in with there mom and dad. That is all about what cool and jerk means!

Wind Power, Solar power and Water power

I will tell you about the three powers of the world Wind Power, Water Power and Solar Power.Wind power:This capacity is exceeded only by China and the European union 11,895 MW of wind power was installed in 2012 alone, representing 26.5% of new power capacity. Fact about wind power: A 2012 report by a clean energy consuiting group concluded that new wind farms can produce electricity in the 5-8cents per kWh range, making wind power cost-competitive with fossil fuels in many areas. Water power: About 7 % of the total electricity used in the U.S.A. is produced by moving water. Worldwide it is about 19%. Facts about water power: As moving water hits the wheel it turns. The turning wheel sends energy to other tools or machines. Long ago, water wheels supplied the power to do work such as grind grain, saw wood, and run factories. Usally its on a small scale. Water wheels don’t harm the envirment. Power plants are built at the bottom of high dams. Solar Power: Solar power in the U.S.A. includes utility-scale solar power plants as well as local distributed generation, mostly from rooftop photovoitacics, in mid 2013 the U.S passed 10 GW of installed photovoitacic capacity with an additional 0.5 GW of concentrated solar power. In the twelve months through Augest 2014, utility scale solar power generated 15.78 million megawatt-hours, 0.38% of total U.S electricity. Facts about solar power: There are plans to build many other large solar plants in the United States. That is all about the three power s in the world! Wind Power, Water Power and Solar Power.

Captain Underpants

Ahh! Clothes went flying everywhere in the shadow it was Captain Underpants. My brother Miles getting in just his Underpants and being Captain Underpants. He makes me be Mr. Freeze he is a Batman bad guy. My brother is obsessed with Batman he has everything except a Batbot. It was on Thursday night at 4:00 in the afternoon. We both like to be good guys when we play Batman. That is my small moment with my brother Miles.












Rock Star Song

This is my Rock Star Song. You go from Welcome to Good than Great than Excellent than last but not least rock star ROCK STAR IS AWESOME to get because you can go to the rock star party and you can earn 15 dollars. Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeahhhhh!you see me from welcome to good to great than excellent than last but not least again ROCK STAR!



